At DPS Kalinga we believe that true education is that which helps an individual to blossom completely. We combine academics with co-curricular activities and sports to achieve a perfect blend of the body and the mind because education is a dynamic discipline which transforms a person making him her confident, responsible, creative and independent.
The school is affiliated to the Central Board of Secondary Education. The medium of instruction is English. Students also learn Hindi, Oriya & an option of Sanskrit & French in the Middle School level. The academic session commences in the month of April every year. The school starts at the Nursery level going up to class XII.
At each level the curriculum is meticulously planned so as to make learning enjoyable. The unique activity based learning is a journey of a child from the known to the unknown. Familiar experiences which have their roots in daily life are used to encourage a child to venture into newer territories where learning becomes an exercise of fun & discovery; this in turn leaves an indelible mark in the students mind.
Our digitally equipped classrooms make teaching – learning even more interesting by transporting our students into the virtual world of learning. Concepts come alive and make learning easy and teaching effective.
To motivate the students, the school honors scholars by academic prizes, merit certificates & scholarship, scholar badges, scholar gowns, scholar ties & commendation cards.